
Zyvilex's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 517 (From 84 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 7,375 Points

Die Hipster!

Medals Earned: 4/20 (20/500 points)

02 The Least Interesting Man in the World 5 Points

well! what is it!

03 ePolaroid 5 Points

*looks skyward*

04 The Smartest Man in the World 5 Points

*points down*

08 Artistic Potential 5 Points


01 The Final Elbows 5 Points

well! what it is!

05 Billbored 5 Points

praise the sun!

06 Endgame 5 Points

*proper bow*

07 Moustache Man 5 Points

r1 r1 r1 r1

09 Hitmen 5 Points

roll bs roll bs roll bs

10 The Mast Judgement 5 Points


010 DEAD HIPSTERS 25 Points

010 dies lol

020 DEAD HIPSTERS 25 Points

020 dies

030 DEAD HIPSTERS 25 Points

030 dies

040 DEAD HIPSTERS 25 Points

040 dies

050 DEAD HIPSTERS 25 Points

050 dies

060 DEAD HIPSTERS 25 Points

060 dies

070 DEAD HIPSTERS 50 Points

070 dies

080 DEAD HIPSTERS 50 Points

080 dies

090 DEAD HIPSTERS 100 Points

090 dies

100 DEAD HIPSTERS 100 Points

100 dies omgwtf

Dino Shift 2

Medals Earned: 2/5 (10/145 points)

Creative 5 Points

Create and save a level in the Editor.

You're a Star 5 Points

Obtain a 3 Star rating on any level.

The Floor is Lava 10 Points

Jump on 3 Knobs in a row without touching the ground.

The End 25 Points

Complete every level.

Perfection 100 Points

Obtain a 3 Star rating on every level.

Dungeon Surge

Medals Earned: 2/6 (15/140 points)

Bunny Butcher 5 Points

Complete the tutorial.

Monster Mash 10 Points

Kill 50 monsters.

Dungeon Conqueror 25 Points

Defeat the Underfiend

Feline Saviour 25 Points

Find all 12 lost kittens.

Squid Slayer 25 Points

Defeat the Abyssal Horror

Into The Void 50 Points

Survive for 10 minutes in Infinite mode.

Earth Taken

Medals Earned: 8/20 (175/460 points)

Alien Hunter 5 Points

Kill 8 Aliens

Kaboom! 5 Points

Blow up 3 cars

Blastman 10 Points

Fully upgrade your shotgun

Hero 10 Points

Save 3 survivors

Scare Crow 10 Points

Kill 10 crows

Shhh! 10 Points

Find 1 secret area

Alienator 25 Points

Kill 111 aliens

Only The Start 100 Points

Complete all chapters

9 Millimeter 10 Points

Fully upgrade your pistol

Gas Mask Max 10 Points

Fully upgrade your gas mask

Health Nut 10 Points

Fully upgrade your health

Pyro 10 Points

Fully upgrade your flame thrower

SMG Bursts 10 Points

Fully upgrade your sub machine gun

Vandal 10 Points

Shoot out 10 lights

Biiig Badaboom! 25 Points

Blow up 15 cars

Hobo! 25 Points

Trash 54 trashcans

Savior 25 Points

Save 11 survivors

18 50 Points

Find all 18 secret areas

Murder Of 50 Points

Kill 50 crows

Vampire 50 Points

Shoot out 128 lights

Earth Taken 2

Medals Earned: 7/20 (140/450 points)

Breather 10 Points

Fully upgrade your gas mask

Hush Hush 10 Points

Find 1 secret area

Shepherd 10 Points

Save 4 survivors

Slugger 10 Points

Fully upgrade your shotgun

Explode! 25 Points

Blow up 13 cars

Genocide 25 Points

Kill 60 aliens

Victorious 50 Points

Complete all chapters

Arsonist 10 Points

Fully upgrade your flame thrower

Burster 10 Points

Fully upgrade your sub machine gun

Grenadier 10 Points

Fully upgrade your grenade launcher

Health Freak 10 Points

Fully upgrade your health

High Tech 10 Points

Fully upgrade your laser cannon

Pistol Whip 10 Points

Fully upgrade your pistol

Bloodbath 25 Points

Kill 50 soldiers

Champion 25 Points

Save 12 survivors

Poacher 25 Points

Kill 60 leapers

White Trash 25 Points

Trash 40 trashcans

Massacre 50 Points

Kill 200 enemies

Nightman 50 Points

Shoot out 100 lights

Treasure Hunter 50 Points

Find all 18 secret areas

Epic Battle Fantasy 3

Medals Earned: 27/60 (270/1,000 points)

Creditor 5 Points

Check out the credits page.

Banker 10 Points

Save up 50,000 gold.

Brute 10 Points

Deal 1,000 damage to a foe.

Card Flipper 10 Points

Get a time under 90 in the third minigame.

Equip Dealer 10 Points

Get 60 pieces of equipment.

Equip Fan 10 Points

Get 40 pieces of equipment.

Greedy Cat 10 Points

Get 100 points in the first minigame.

Helper 10 Points

Complete 10 sidequests.

Hoarder 10 Points

Save up 10,000 gold.

Level Builder 10 Points

Get a player up to level 10.

Power Leveler 10 Points

Get a player up to level 20.

Ruffian 10 Points

Deal 3,000 damage to a foe.

Savage 10 Points

Deal 10,000 damage to a foe.

Nouveau Riche 25 Points

Save up 250,000 gold.

Pirate Treasure 25 Points

Find all treasure chests in Rock Lake.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Barbarian 10 Points

Deal 30,000 damage to a foe.

Beast Tamer 10 Points

Scan 25 foes.

Card Wizard 10 Points

Get a time under 65 in the third minigame.

Equip Master 10 Points

Get 80 pieces of equipment.

Fat Cat 10 Points

Get 140 points in the first minigame.

Level Grinder 10 Points

Get a player up to level 30.

Narwhal Rider 10 Points

Get 100 points in the second minigame.

Narwhal Surfer 10 Points

Get 150 points in the second minigame.

Rock Dodger 10 Points

Get 130 points in the fifth minigame.

Skeleton Killer 10 Points

Get 230 points in the fourth minigame.

Skeleton Proof 10 Points

Get 160 points in the fourth minigame.

Tasker 10 Points

Complete 20 sidequests.

Untouchable 10 Points

Get 190 points in the fifth minigame.

Ancient Treasure 25 Points

Find all treasure chests in Kitten Ruins.

Beast Hunter 25 Points

Scan 50 foes.

Burnt Treasure 25 Points

Find all treasure chests in Volcano Peak.

Forest Treasure 25 Points

Find all treasure chests in Vegetable Forest.

Frozen Treasure 25 Points

Find all treasure chests in Glacier Valley.

Quester 25 Points

Complete all sidequests.

Slayer 25 Points

Deal 100,000 damage to a foe.

Treasure Hunter 25 Points

Find all treasure chests in town.

Beast Scholar 50 Points

Scan all foes.

Hero 50 Points

Beat the game on Hard or Epic difficulty.

Legend 100 Points

Beat the game on Epic difficulty.

Savior 100 Points

Defeat the final boss and finish the game!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Epic Battle Fantasy 5

Medals Earned: 10/83 (75/1,700 points)

1K Damage 5 Points

Deal over 999 damage with an attack - just smack an enemy hard.

Conductive Status 5 Points

Exploit a status effect that increases elemental damage.

Instant Knowledge 5 Points

Learn a completely new skill through sheer willpower alone - no practice involved.

Limits Broken 5 Points

Use a limit break - and if you're reading this in advance - remember to set up a combo first!

Mercy 5 Points

Let a surrendered foe go free. Sometimes it feels good to be good.

No Mercy 5 Points

Execute a surrendered foe in cold blood. You get EXP either way, so it really is senseless violence.

Roid Rage 5 Points

Get a taste of performance-enhancing steroids, like bacon or bread.

Slave Trader 5 Points

Enslave a beast, later to be forced into combat against its will.

Wandering Out 10 Points

Begin your adventure by wandering away from home and into the jungle.

Slip 'n' Slide 25 Points

Get familiar with some annoying puzzle mechanics.

100K Damage 5 Points

Deal over 99,999 damage with an attack - remember to exploit buffs, weaknesses, and statuses!

10K Damage 5 Points

Deal over 9,999 damage with an attack - a bit of levelling up should do the trick.

Art Connoisseur 5 Points

View a fine piece of framed artwork.

Back Attack 5 Points

What? Not even backup players are safe from taking damage?!

Berzerker's Rage 5 Points

Get inflicted with the Berserk status, and go mad with power.

Bonus Skills 5 Points

Adjust your default abilities to something more unique, and show off the real you.

Confusion 5 Points

Get inflicted with the Confused status, and lose control of your own body.

Cooling Off 5 Points

And now, we wait. Quite a while, too.

Disarmed 5 Points

Get inflicted with the Disable status, and have some of your skills become unusable for a few turns.

Family Roots 5 Points

Remember what you came from, and keep visiting your family even when you're famous.

Fog of War 5 Points

Get inflicted with the Shroud status, and succumb to the pain of missing information.

Freebie 5 Points

Watch your enemies be killed by their own environment, or by each other.

Give 100% 5 Points

Buff yourself to the max. Some equips will help out with this... but the foes may beat you to it.

Owned 5 Points

Sometimes the enemies don't even have to do anything.

RIP in Peace 5 Points

Honour the dead by shuffling away their corpses and bringing in reinforcements.

Second Chance 5 Points

Don't die when you have been killed - the Morale and Auto-Revive statuses can get you out of trouble!

Secret Farm 5 Points

Help a wizard grow totally legal herbs in a barn.

Secret Soundboard 5 Points

Find the secret soundboard, just as the name of this achievement suggests.

Sometimes Invincible 5 Points

Have fun with the Enchanted and Invisible status effects. They may or may not be useful.

Uncontrollable Hunger 5 Points

Get inflicted with the Hungry status, and pig out on whatever you can find.

Unusual Torture 5 Points

Melt down a captured foe and use it as a crafting material. The foe's consent is not required.

-□□□ .¬ 10 Points

â–¡â–¡â–¡â–¡â–¡- -â–¡â–¡â–¡-â–¡â–¡â–¡ â– â–¡â–¡? -â–¡â–¡â–¡??

1M Damage 10 Points

Deal over 999,999 damage with an attack - you'll need to setup a serious combo for this one!

Beast Tamer 10 Points

Tame a strong monster as you work your way up the food chain.

Book Worm 10 Points

Read every book in the library - not just for this achievement, but to actually learn!

Cat Person 10 Points

Intimidate NoLegs into surrendering, rather than beating him to a pulp.

Child Minder 10 Points

Force an exhausted Anna to surrender, rather than having to knock out a child.

Code Breaker 10 Points

Discover one of several secret codes.

Dim Depths 10 Points

The plot thickens as buried secrets are uncovered.

Eagle Eye 10 Points

Find 100 secret treasures - and remember, not all of them shine!

EXP Pipeline 10 Points

Cut down over 1,337 innocent foes, for those sweet battle rewards.

Generic Holiday 10 Points

Complete a rare holiday quest. (There's totally no way to cheat the system...)

Helping Hand 10 Points

Complete 10 quests for NPCs, and experience the joy of helping others.

Like a Bird 10 Points

Find 50 secret treasures - keep an eye out for hidden shiny things!

Nice Guy 10 Points

Flirt with Natalie to calm her down, avoiding the unsightly beating up of a girl.

Not Pok*mon 10 Points

Equip more than 6 summons, but no more than 18, as that would be simply unfair.

Public Servant 10 Points

Complete 20 quests for NPCs, hoping they'll ignore all of the damage you've done.

Seduction 10 Points

Exploit Lance's weakness to make him surrender, but only during his 3rd and final appearance.

Unlimited Blade Works 10 Points

Collect 150 different items of equipment. You don't even need all of that.

Upgrade Complete 10 Points

Fully upgrade a weapon - this is the best use of your cash!

Video Games 10 Points

Talk to every type of games console. They won't talk back.

What Game? 10 Points

Paint the loading screen with the ooze of 100 dead slimes.

Where's Satan? 10 Points

Discover the demon hiding in plain sight.

10M Damage 25 Points

Deal over 9,999,999 damage with an attack - this is actually possible at around level 35!

Boss's Boss 25 Points

Imprison your boss in a shipping container, for later use.

Burning Soul 25 Points

Defeat the 3-headed Blaze Hydra on Epic difficulty.

Cartographer 25 Points

Fill in the entire world map - which doesn't include secret underground areas.

Firewood 25 Points

Defeat Anna and the Mighty Oak on Epic difficulty.

Golden God 25 Points

Defeat Chibi Knight's ultimate form on Epic difficulty.

None Are Safe 25 Points

Capture 50 different foes. No living creature can escape the completionist's snare.

Nuclear Holocaust 25 Points

Destroy the world several times over by trying out every single Limit Break attack.

Over the Wall 25 Points

Enter the fascists' fortress with a dangerous mission in mind.

Party Hard 25 Points

A bunch of poorly drawn cartoon characters get together and smash things.

Pop Eye 25 Points

Defeat Jotun on Epic difficulty.

Quest Cuck 25 Points

Complete 30 quests for NPCs, as apparently they can't do anything for themselves.

Secret World 25 Points

Use the three Spiritual Stones to open the... Door of Time?

Squishy 25 Points

Click on something squishy a few times. There's several ways of getting this one...

Swamped 25 Points

I have a feeling these woods might actually be haunted.

Treasure Hunter 25 Points

Open 200 treasure chests. That's a lot, but also just the beginning.

Triple Death 25 Points

Defeat the 3-headed Zombie Hydra on Epic difficulty.

X-Ray Goggles 25 Points

Scan 125 different foes. (Captured foes count as scanned!)

Alien Landscape 50 Points

Look upon the remains of a devastated landscape.

Arctic Expedition 50 Points

Unpreparedness won't stop this adventure.

Bash the Fash 50 Points

Defeat Lance and Neon Valkyrie on Epic difficulty.

Chest Grabber 50 Points

Open 400 treasure chests. You should be in jail by now.

Forgotten Myths 50 Points

Defeat Poseidon on Epic difficulty.

River Rapids 50 Points

Sail towards unknown lands on a dinky raft that's totally sea-worthy.

The Cat King 50 Points

Defeat Laurelin on Epic difficulty.

Determination 100 Points

Defeat Snowflake on Epic difficulty.

None Are Free 100 Points

Capture 100 different foes. Leave no free animals to graze the fields - all bow before their master.

Reformat 100 Points

Even if you delete me, I'll be with you forever...

Ultimate Hero 100 Points

Defeat the final boss on Epic difficulty.

World Saved? 100 Points

Defeat the final boss and finish the main story.

Epic Quest

Medals Earned: 5/6 (25/30 points)

arrived at first destination 5 Points

you have arrived at the first destination

first destination clicker 5 Points

you have clicked on your first desitnation

relic clicker 5 Points

you have clicked the relic

riding out 5 Points

getting ready to search at the first destination

you found the relic 5 Points

you found the relic

hero head clicker 5 Points

you clicked the hero's head


Medals Earned: 6/11 (60/210 points)

Level 1 10 Points

Finish level 1

Level 2 10 Points

Finish level 2

Level 3 10 Points

Finish level 3

Level 4 10 Points

Finish level 4

Level 5 10 Points

Finish level 5

Nohit 1 10 Points

Finish level 1 without taking damage

Nohit 2 25 Points

Finish level 2 without taking damage

Nohit 3 25 Points

Finish level 3 without taking damage

Nohit 4 25 Points

Finish level 4 without taking damage

Nohit 5 25 Points

Finish level 5 without taking damage

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Famous Painting Parodies5

Medals Earned: 31/38 (335/490 points)

Funny Face 10 Points

Win game with 15 or more points

Art Lover 25 Points

Win game with 20 or more points

Joystick Monalisa 25 Points

Find the 3 hidden stars

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

MegaMind 100 Points

Get All Answers Right

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!